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Tingcong Lin

MPhil Student


Tingcong Lin (林挺聪) is an MPhil student under the supervision of Dr. Otto Heim at the School of English, the University of Hong Kong. His current research focus concerns the spatial variations of foreign districts in nineteenth-century urban Guangzhou (also known as Canton) as well as their literary and cultural representations. He is also working as a research assistant for Prof. Kendall Johnson on the works of E. C. Bridgeman and early Sino-American relations.

Tingcong completed his BA at the School of International Studies, Sun Yat-sen University (SYSU). During this time, he did exchange studies in the UK, the US and Mexico, and worked as an intern interpreter at the Confucius Institute of La Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán, Mexico. He also worked as a research assistant at the Centre for European Studies, SYSU, and a teaching assistant in the course “Historical Discourse: A Critical Approach” (MOOC), SYSU.

Tingcong speaks Chinese (Cantonese, Mandarin and Teochew), English and Spanish. 

Selected Publications

Lin, T., & Su, P. (2022). Literary and cultural (re)productions of a utopian island: Performative geographies of colonial Shamian, Guangzhou in the latter half of the 19th century. Island Studies Journal. Advance online publication.

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